Cutlery and Tableware by TB

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L’art de l’affûtage des couteaux : Conseils pour conserver un tranchant optimal

The Art of Knife Sharpening: Tips for Maintaining Optimal Edge

A sharp knife is the key to a safe and efficient kitchen. However, even the best blades gradually lose their sharpness as they are used. Regular maintenance and proper sharpening can extend the li...

Les couteaux dans le cinéma d’horreur

Knives in Horror Cinema

Knives occupy a special place in the collective imagination related to horror cinema. Simple everyday tools, they become instruments of fear, suspense and sometimes pure horror. Their presence crea...

Tarrerias Bonjean rejoint le Cluster EDEN pour renforcer son engagement dans la sécurité et la défense

Tarrerias Bonjean rejoint le Cluster EDEN pour renforcer son engagement dans la sécurité et la défense

Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que Tarrerias Bonjean a rejoint le Cluster EDEN, une association nationale dédiée aux PME et ETI françaises opérant dans les secteurs de la défense, de la sécurité et d...

Comment choisir le couteau parfait pour votre cuisine : Guide d'achat TB 1648

How to Choose the Perfect Knife for Your Kitchen: Buying Guide TB 1648

In every kitchen, a knife is the essential basic tool for preparing meals. But with a multitude of knife types available, it can be difficult to choose the one that will best suit your needs. Each ...

L'histoire fascinante des couteaux : de l'âge de pierre à aujourd'hui

The Fascinating History of Knives: From the Stone Age to Today

Knives, these essential tools in our daily lives, have a history as sharp as their blades. Used for thousands of years to cut, hunt, or defend themselves, knives have crossed the ages and evolved ...

Pourquoi choisir des couteaux fabriqués à Thiers ? Les avantages d’une fabrication locale

Why choose knives made in Thiers? The advantages of local manufacturing

When it comes to choosing a quality kitchen knife, the origin and manufacturing method play a key role. Thiers, a small French town located in the heart of the Auvergne region, is the birthplace of...